Friday, January 16, 2009


Well, I finally joined the facebook world. I'm amazed at how many people are on it! It took a while for me to 'get it', but I can see how it can start to consume a person if you have a lot of people you like to keep up with. It has been pretty cool to connect with people I've lost touch with.

If you haven't signed up, you should give it a try. You might like it!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Acute Wii-itis?

Do you suffer from acute Wii-itis?

I just saw on the news that doctors are seeing more patients lately with injuries from over-zealous Wii use. So, before you spend too many hours each day on the Wii, and before you knock out your sibling or spouse, be aware of the ***dangers***.

Yes, Judy F. that includes you and your family!!! (smile) Mine too!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Vandy update

This is mostly for Robert and Gloria's benefit, but I also want to share it with others as well. We bought Vandy from Robert and Gloria a little over 14 years ago and we have loved every minute we've had with her. (Well, almost every minute...there was the time --- oh, well, it's not important, now!)

Vandy's health has not been all that great this year. Especially the last 6 months or so. We have now confirmed that she has laryngeal paralysis.( You can definitely tell she has difficulty with her breathing. She breathes with her entire body and makes wheezing sounds. The specialist I took her to said that as the weather gets warmer, she will have an even harder time with her breathing. He told us she might be fine until April or so, but it would be unlikely that she would make it through the summer heat considering her breathing problems.

That was so sad to hear. She is definitely showing signs of aging, but nothing other than this to indicate she is ready to be put to sleep. We could elect to do surgery for $2,000, but he said this surgery results in pneumonia for a lot of patients and other complications could arise. At 14 going on 15, Greg thinks it is best to let nature take its course. My brain agress, but my heart does not. We are just giving her more loving every day and trying to enjoy every day that we have with her. She has been the sweetest thing and it will be heartbreaking the day we have to say goodbye to her.

Robert and Gloria, if you want us to bring her out to see you, just let us know!

Mom Gets "Rockin" Review

Carleigh, my 7 year old, gave me the following letter Wednesday night.

Dear Mom,
Truman is the best horse. He is my best friend. Thank you for the puzzles. The dog one is cute and (thank you for) the webkinz . I like all of my presents but the one I love most is the Wii. And thank you for letting me and Caroline do WeCarly. You rock!
Love, Carleigh

It is so nice to know that "I rock" as a mom! I guess I better enjoy it now...most people say that teenagers no longer think their parents rock.

Carleigh and her friend from school (Caroline) decided to start a web show similar to the iCarly tv/web show. They were going to call it iRock but Caroline's mom suggested they name it WeCarly because they almost named Caroline "Carly", and they sometimes call her Carly as a nick-name.

So, now you know some of the reasons my 7 year old thinks her mom "rocks". I couldn't be more proud! (smile)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas 2008 Pics

Everyone had a great Christmas this year! It was so good to see my newest nephew, Will (now about 4 months), and to see Bay, Delia and Jeff again. We rarely see them anymore since they moved to Naples. For the first time in several years all 3 girls and our families were together at my mom's on Christmas day.

My cute nephews, Bay and Will Buckley(Delia's boys)

Ashley, Kelly, Bay, Grandmama, Carleigh

Ashley, Ticky, Bay, Kelly, Carleigh