Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Never thought I would be posting about this, but Kelly has become interested in Pom. She tried out for Collierville Middle school Pom but only 2 5th graders made it (for 6th grade next year). They had 43 or so people try out and 25 girls made it. They are usually the National Champions for Pom (or so I'm told) for that age group. We heard about Memphis Elite in Cordova and she is trying out for them this week. The coaches from Memphis Elite are also the coaches for Collierville Middle School Pom so she should at least be more prepared next year for CMS POM if she makes the Mem Elite team. Of course, all of this costs money, so if she doesn't make it....well, just less money to be spent for our one income family!


Judy said...

Good luck with the POM - All this extra activities is expensive. I could not tell you how much we have spent with this volleyball.
Sorry to her about your job. Hope you are taking this well. Are you looking for anything or just going to stay home.

Anonymous said...

what is pom?